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2021 NFL Draft Headed for Cleveland, Ohio

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The NFL has announced that the 2021 NFL Draft will be hosted in Cleveland, Ohio, in downtown Cleveland from April 29th through May 1st. The draft will return to a live location after the virtual NFL Draft that took place in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Per the NFL’s Communication department, there will be people in attendance on-site, though it will be limited to select prospects and a limited number of fans. After witnessing Roger Goodell conduct the draft from his armchair in 2020, 2021 will mark a return to the podium for the most boo’d member of the NFL Draft.

Though the 2020 NFL Draft was a departure from the norm, we witnessed the greatness of Jerry’s Yacht, which became a bit of a cult figure during what many believe to be an excellent draft on the part of the Dallas Cowboys. Per the full release from NFL Communications, teams can congregate in their Draft Rooms wherever they want. The Cowboys could return to The Star in Frisco, Texas, where they’ve drafted in the past. Or Jerry Jones and the family could continue to participate from the yacht.

The return to a live draft marks another milestone in an attempted return to normalcy in the United States. As COVID cases continue to decrease and vaccination increases, the US is closer to returning to life before COVID.

With 10 picks in the NFL Draft this year, the Cowboys hope to reload and return to the playoffs for the first time since the 2018 season.

Dallas Cowboys optimist bringing factual, reasonable takes to Cowboys Nation and the NFL Community. I wasn't always a Cowboys fan, but I got here as quick as I could. Make sure you check out the Inside The Cowboys Podcast featuring John Williams and other analysts following America's Team.

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