A Dallas Cowboys football blog

#63: It’s Larry Cole’s World, We’re Just Living In It

We’re officially 63 days until the Dallas Cowboys seek revenge against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Week 1, and we’re back with another Countdown to Kickoff post, baby.

On Saturday, I crowned Guard/Center Tom Rafferty as the Greatest #64, so if you missed it, go check it out.

If you have been keeping up with the Countdown posts–I appreciate you.

But if anyone is new, welcome. You can find all related posts through the tag below.

Now let’s dive right into today’s discussion!

Here are all of the players who wore #63 for the Dallas Cowboys and got considered in today’s selection:

  • Tyler Biadasz
  • Lester Brinkley
  • Emmett Cleary
  • Larry Cole
  • Ryan Cook
  • Gennaro DiNapoli
  • Mike Falls
  • John Flannery
  • John Gesek
  • Aaron Gibson
  • Mike Kiselak
  • Kyle Kosier
  • Jon Shields
  • Glen Titensor
  • Casey Walker

As I mentioned in my two previous Countdown posts, finding a standout player quickly wasn’t there.

While some would see this list and say, “Why not Guard/Center John Gesek?,” who was a 2-Time Super Bowl Champion and was a part of the “Great Wall of Dallas”–after researching all of the players, the player who got the nod for me was Mr. Larry Cole.

Larry Cole’s NFL Career

Although both Cole and Gesek did win two Super Bowl Titles, Cole got the greenlight today because of his longevity and impact.

Drafted in the 16th round of the 1968 NFL Draft from Hawaii, Cole was another one of those guys who made the switch from their respected positions to the other side of the line.

After switching from OT to DE, Cole made his name quickly in his first year as he was runner-up for DROY (Defensive Rookie of the Year).

From then on, Cole became a regular body in the defensive rotation and switched to DT after Bob Lilly retired in 1995.

Although Cole never got his roses from the media (as he played with great defenders such as Lilly, Ed “Too Tall” Jones, Harvey Martin, Randy White, and Jethro Pugh), Cole was a guy the franchise was able to rely on to play multiple spots and make the right plays.

I admit I never saw Cole play.

But after seeing a video over him, I saw a guy who was in the right place all of the time and was someone you had to always account for on offense.

If I had to compare him to a current player, I would say DT Demarcus Lawrence or former DE Randy Gregory. Both players, who made plays every down, were underrated in their own ways and allowed others to shine.

But who knows, I could be wrong.

But the one thing I do know is Mr. Cole’s time to shine today.

So, let’s not forget the man who left the Cowboys with 60 official career sacks, 5 Super Bowl Appearances (which is an NFL record, as he was one of eight players to make it that many times), and 2 Super Bowl victories.

Cheers to you, “Bubba.”

Rolling with the Boyz since 96'. Chop up sports with me on Twitter @rockssjr.

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