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Aldon Smith and Jim Tomsula: “Reunited and it Feels So Good”

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Upon hearing Aldon Smith was conditionally reinstated by the NFL the song “Reunited and it Feels So Good” by Peaches & Herb immediately popped into my head. I don’t know if it was the same for Smith and his former coach Jim Tomsula – the Dallas Cowboys new defensive line coach – but I’d like to think it happened.

It’s easy to forget, but Aldon Smith was at his best in the NFL under Jim Tomsula’s tutelage during their time together with the San Francisco 49ers (2011-2014). Their short time together with the 49ers was highlighted by Smith’s 19.5 quarterback sacks in a single season. It’s that kind of production that should have these two excited to reunite once again.

Now I’m not typically one who likes to brag, however, I do have to pat myself on the back because I was the very first one to speculate Aldon Smith reuniting with Jim Tomsula in Dallas was even a possibility. To see one of my out-of-the-box ideas come to fruition is just a little bit self satisfying. With Smith’s reinstatement, things have now come full circle.

Aldon Smith getting reinstatement is just the first of hopefully many steps in the right direction though. He may have his former coach in his corner to support him along the way, but he still has a long way to go if he wants to be anywhere close to the player he was earlier in his career. Returning after a forced five year sabbatical isn’t going to be easy to bounce back from. But, there is hope…

If Jane Slater’s source is speaking the truth, Aldon Smith might already be on the fast track to returning to his former glory. For a team with a lot of questions in regards to their pass rush outside of DeMarcus Lawrence, this is exciting news. News however that should be taken with a grain of salt.

Unfortunately, the slightest slip up could end Smith’s comeback before it even really gets started. It’s easy to get excited about what he could be, but we also have to be realistic about all of the obstacles he still has to overcome.

Personally, I’m not too worried about the football side of things. It’s the off the field stuff I’m hoping he gets a handle on for not only himself, but for the Dallas Cowboys sake as well.

I’m not trying to be the Debbie Downer right after Aldon Smith’s reinstatement. It is the first step in the right direction. I’m just hoping, and praying, he can keep on the straight and narrow in order to prove why he was once considered one of the most dominant pass rushers in the NFL. And if you forgotten, here’s a short reminder…


If this little refresher doesn’t get you excited about what he can possibly do for the Dallas Cowboys, I don’t know what will. I do however suggest we temper our expectations just a bit because we could be setting ourselves up for a pretty big letdown.

For now though get hyped up because if Aldon Smith returns anywhere close to his former self he could be an absolute game changer!!!

What do you think of Aldon Smith reuniting with Jim Tomsula in Dallas?

Level C2/C3 quadriplegic. College graduate with a bachelors degree in sports and health sciences-concentration sports management. Sports enthusiast. Dallas Cowboys fanatic. Lover of life with a glass half-full point of view.

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