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Brotherly Advice: Trevon and Stefon Diggs Talk Daily, Exchanging Tips

Add Buffalo Bills Wide Receiver Stefon Diggs to the mix of people trying to help the Dallas Cowboys 2020 second-round draft pick make the transition from college to the NFL. According to reports, he and his younger brother Trevon Diggs are talking daily.

Just last week I shared with all of you how new Dallas Cowboys Defensive Backs Coach Al Harris is helping Trevon Diggs get up to speed quickly, but to have someone like Stefon (his older brother) in his corner is a different monster altogether. After all, “blood is thicker than water”. There’s probably very few people he trusts more than his brother.

Setting sibling rivalry aside, the Diggs brothers daily talks could prove to be invaluable for both players when it’s all said and done. While Stefon has already established himself as one of the best, if not the best, route runners in the NFL he can still probably learn a thing or two from his younger brother.

For Trevon, any kind of advice, tips, or constructive criticism he can get from his older brother should only speed up his development. After all, Stefon has been breaking down both film and defensive backs in the NFL for years now. His experience/knowledge and willingness to share them is an asset unto itself for the Cowboys rookie CB.

As a WR, Stefon as an entirely different perspective than what Trevon may be getting from his teammates and coaches, at least on the defensive side of the ball. He can share how he tries to set up DBs and how his younger brother could combat that, amoung other things. This kind of insight isn’t something that should be undervalued.

Knowing how receivers like to do things and how they think is half the battle. That’s the hard part. Putting to use his God-given talents is something that got Trevon Diggs into the NFL in the first place. If he wants to take his game to the next level, the information he’s receiving from his brother could get him there.

I don’t know about you, but I’m glad these two are talking and sharing knowledge. I think Trevon Diggs has an excellent chance of becoming a really good CB in the NFL. The only question I have is whether or not it will be sooner or later. For the Dallas Cowboys sake, I’m hoping it’s the former.

What do you think Trevon Diggs is learning from his older brother?

Level C2/C3 quadriplegic. College graduate with a bachelors degree in sports and health sciences-concentration sports management. Sports enthusiast. Dallas Cowboys fanatic. Lover of life with a glass half-full point of view.

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