A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Cowboys’ QB Dak Prescott Takes the “Next Step” he Mentioned in 2018


“Uncle Tom”, “Lemonade serving house Negro”, “Coon” are just a few of the hateful names celebrities and well respected members of the African-American/Black community tossed Dak Prescott’s way back in 2018 after he weighed in on his stance on the entire kneeling protest during the national anthem. Fast forward nearly 2 years later, I wonder if they feel the same way after his recent $1 million donation to help improve police training and address systematic racism in America?

Here’s what Dak Prescott had to say back in 2018…

“I’d never protest during the anthem, and I don’t think that’s the time or the venue to do so,” Prescott said. “The game of football has always brought me such peace, and I think it does the same for a lot of people.”

If this was the only quote a lot of those previously mentioned haters heard or read when Dak Prescott addressed the media about his stance on kneeling during the national anthem I’d understand why they may have felt betrayed or let down. But, Prescott went on to say he believes it’s time to take the “next step”, although he didn’t know what that was at the time.

“I think this whole kneeling, and all of that, was all about raising awareness, and the fact we are still talking about social injustice years later, I think we’ve got to that point. I think we’ve proved it. We know about social injustice. I’m up for taking the next step, whatever that step might be for action and not just kneeling.”

Well, it took nearly 2 years, but Dak Prescott put his money where his mouth is and took the once unknown “next step” with his recent $1 million donation. I for one commend him for being a man of action and following through on something that could have quite possibly been weighing on him for some time now.

It’s easy to sit back and talk about social justice and systematic racism from the comforts of our homes or through social media, but taking action in such a big way is commendable in my opinion. I’m just wondering if other professional athletes will follow in his footsteps. After all, money has a way of swaying the masses.

Maybe this will be a start of a new trend. A trend of peaceful action to raise awareness for social justice and systematic racism, something that’s creating a rift right now in our country. I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping this leads to something bigger and better. Something we can grab on to and build off of.

Now, I know this is coming from “white guy” who is probably considered more of the problem then part of the solution by many of you, but I promise you you’d be wrong. I may not be a vocal person by nature, instead trying to lead by example, but all I can do is promise to try to do better in the future. BE THE CHANGE!!!

That’s my personal “next step” to help raise awareness and hopefully create a better America for all. What’s yours?

What do you think of Dak Prescott’s “next step” to help raise awareness?

Level C2/C3 quadriplegic. College graduate with a bachelors degree in sports and health sciences-concentration sports management. Sports enthusiast. Dallas Cowboys fanatic. Lover of life with a glass half-full point of view.

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