A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Dak Prescott Writes Oklahoma Governor To Overturn Julius Jones’ Conviction


In an era where social justice is at the forefront for today’s athletes, quarterback Dak Prescott continues to fight for what he believes is right.

Time Magazine is reporting that the Cowboys quarterback penned a letter to Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, petitioning for the release of Julius Jones. Jones was convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 1999, and has come into question as the subject of an ABC 20/20 documentary.

Several other athletes have voiced their opposition to Jones’ sentence, including Russell Westbrook, Baker Mayfield, and Trae Young. All with strong ties to the state of Oklahoma, of course.

Prescott wrote a powerful letter to Stitt, giving his perspective as a “black man in this country.”

“Current events are shining a much-needed light on deep-seated prejudices and systemic mistreatment of black people, and it is my sincere hope that the cultural movements of today will lead to significant social changes that will create a better tomorrow…To that end, you all are in the unique position of being able to make a direct impact by addressing a specific miscarriage of justice” – Dak Prescott.

Prescott went on to say that he “firmly believes” the wrong man is being punished for this crime, urging the Oklahoma governor to take a stand.

Earlier this year, Prescott pledged $1 million to “to improve police training and address systematic racism through education and advocacy in our country,” so it’s safe to say he’s getting involved in the key issues in our country.

Die-hard Cowboys fan from the Northeast, so you know I am here to defend the 'boys whenever necessary. Began writing for a WordPress Cowboys Blog, and have been with ITS since 2016.

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