A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Report: Cowboys QB Dak Prescott Pledges $1 Million to Improve Police Training and Address Systematic Racism

The entire world was shocked by the death of a 46-year-old black man named George Floyd last week after Derek Chauvin, a white Minneapolis police officer, pressed his knee on the back of his neck for nearly nine minutes. The outrage has sparked rioting and looting in frustration by blacks and their supporters due to this tragic event in our country’s history, although been some peaceful protest as well.

Cowboys Quarterback Dak Prescott has now added his name to those who are looking to make an effort in solving this problem. Via his Instagram account today, Prescott has pledged one million dollars to improve police training and address systematic racism in America.

“I have the utmost respect for those of you with a passion for protecting and serving your communities. When you chose to wear the badge of a police officer, you pledged to PROTECT life and property through the enforcement of our laws and regulations. How can you claim to uphold the law when those within your ranks don’t abide by it? You need to hold your own accountable. Each of you are as guilty as the men who stood beside Derek Chauvin if you do not stand up against the systemic racism plaguing our police forces nationwide. TAKE ACTION!”

Even in the midst of his current contract negotiations with the Cowboys, and mourning the death of his older brother who passed away last month, Prescott isn’t blind to what’s going on in our country and he’s making a difference.

I write dope stuff about the Dallas Cowboys and what not.

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