A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Report: NFL And NFLPA Negotiating A COVID-19 Opt Out Clause


In case you needed more reasons to be pessimistic about a full 16 game regular season happening this Fall, NFL Network is now reporting that the league and the player’s union are negotiating an opt-out clause for those worried about COVID-19.

“My understanding is both the union and the league intend to have an opt-out for players who have either a pre-existing condition, family with pre-existing conditions, just general concerns over COVID-19, would not want to play this season” – NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero.

As both the MLB and NBA get their leagues going this month, we’ve seen marquis players from each sport deciding to sit out for personal and health reasons. Several NFL players have already voiced concerns over playing during a global pandemic, including former Cowboys cornerback Byron Jones.

At this point it’s unclear if players who opt out of the season will have their contracts effected, but it certainly would be a bad look for the league if players were to lose out on money if they were simply looking out for their health. Although the owners could argue that if you don’t play you won’t be paid. Either way, there’s a labor dispute coming down the road.

The question marks around this upcoming 2020 NFL season only seem to be increasing.

Die-hard Cowboys fan from the Northeast, so you know I am here to defend the 'boys whenever necessary. Began writing for a WordPress Cowboys Blog, and have been with ITS since 2016.

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