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Should Jerry Jones Break his Silence About the Black Lives Matter Movement?


As of yet, Dallas Cowboys Owner/Gen. Manager Jerry Jones has remained silent about the Black Lives Matter movement. For some his failure to address the issue publicly is some kind of admittance of lack of support, while others are patiently sitting back waiting to see what happens.

I for one think it could be one of those “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situations, especially since the organization has already previously released a video of support back in early June after the killing of George Floyd.


I can’t speak for others, but it certainly looks as if the Dallas Cowboys, as a team, seem to be committed to being part of the efforts of bringing positive change to the United States. I believe that’s a step in the right direction whether or not Jerry Jones speaks on the topic publicly or not. Others certainly don’t agree, but I really don’t see any way Mr. Jones has anything to gain by breaking his silence.

How times have we seen Jerry Jones speak publicly about something only to have his words misconstrued one way or another? Even if he were to have his Public Relations department write out a speech he can read verbatim it will be picked apart and judged as not being personal enough. And if he speaks from the heart or off the top of his head, who knows what he would say that could be misinterpreted.

Despite all that though, there’s an outcry of people wanting to know exactly what Jerry Jones thinks about the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s completely understandable considering he’s one of the most influential NFL owners in the league, which is why his silence is surprisingly making headlines. But what does Jones’ silence mean to his players?

What a few Cowboys players are saying about Jerry Jones…

DT Gerald McCoy (June 18): “The Dallas Cowboys are the most recognized franchise in the world. They can get behind it, whether it’s the players or just being in the movement, period, and showing their support. It would be great to hear a statement from the Cowboys, great to hear a statement from Jerry Jones in support of everything that’s going on. Will that get me in trouble saying that? I don’t know, but the truth is it needs to be said. The problem is people are afraid to have the conversations.”

DE DeMarcus Lawrence (June 23): “I’m not going to sit here and take my time and basically shed light on Jerry Jones, that’s not my position. My position is to bring up the youth and give them more ways to find out what they want to become. Once you start asking me on a Black Lives Matter movement and Jerry Jones and the Cowboys — that ain’t none of my concern right now.”

DT Dontari Poe (July 6): “I hope he comes out and shows his support… You are an owner of an NFL team — you get what I’m saying? The majority of this team are these people that are being oppressed… So even if you are not going to be in the forefront, we need to know we have your support in that type of way.”

I don’t think it’s all that surprising it’s the Dallas Cowboys new additions who have been the most vocal about Jerry Jones breaking his silence in regards to the Black Lives Matter movement. Gerald McCoy and Dontari Poe’s unfamiliarity with Jerry and what he may have said behind closed doors in the past makes them understandably curious about his stance. DeMarcus Lawrence on the other hand more than likely already knows what the Jones’ and the Cowboys organization has or has not been doing about this issue for the past several years.

In a normal offseason I believe Jerry Jones would’ve already spoken publicly about the Black Lives Matter movement. Due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic Roger Goodell may have told NFL owners to hold off on addressing the social injustice issue to let the league handle it for now. After all, I don’t recall any other NFL owners making public statements either and Jerry Jones certainly isn’t shy about voicing his opinion about anything.

I think in time we will hear from Jerry Jones, but when and where that time may come is unknown. Until then the Dallas Cowboys owner will certainly receive the majority of the flack for remaining silent. Sadly, that’s one of the negative drawbacks of being the focal point of one of the most recognizable sports franchises in the entire world. Fair or not, it comes with the job.

Should Jerry Jones break his silence about the Black Lives Matter movement?

Level C2/C3 quadriplegic. College graduate with a bachelors degree in sports and health sciences-concentration sports management. Sports enthusiast. Dallas Cowboys fanatic. Lover of life with a glass half-full point of view.

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