A Dallas Cowboys football blog

The vital improvements Dak Prescott must make this season


For the last few seasons, the Dallas Cowboys have had frustrating endings to finish off the year. After every one of these disappointing games, the entire fanbase looks at Quarterback Dak Prescott for answers to why the team failed.

Quarterback Dak Prescott after 49ers playoff game

Much of the Cowboys fanbase has been bothered long enough by Prescott’s incapability to win big games.

Many just want Prescott gone, and never want him to return, while others are wanting to give him a second chance at his career.

At the moment, it looks like the Cowboys staff will be keeping Dak Prescott for another season. After his achievement of winning the Walter Payton Man of the Year award, it’s going to be hard to get rid of him for now.

For that reason, Dak Prescott will have to really focus this year on football if he wants to stay a starter. It’s make or break it for Prescott this season because he is completely out of second chances.

So, what does he need to work on?

Mental stability:

I know, a very strange subject, but you’ll understand what I’m saying soon.

During every game that Dak Prescott has lost, I’ve noticed the same pattern, he shows fear.

It’s hard to find footage, but near the end of every game he’s lost over the past two seasons he gives us what I like to call “The Dak Face”. This is the face Dak puts on when he is in a tight and stressful situation on the field. 

Dak Prescott opens his mouth and stares blankly at the field when he’s in this fearful mode.

When you see that, you know the ending won’t turn out pretty.

I am not making fun of him whatsoever, many players have a similar reaction to critical parts of games, but as a leader, this sense of fear must be stopped, and the only one who can stop it is Dak Prescott himself. Prescott must stay more stable mentally when he’s on the field and not get distracted by being scared.

Better decisions:

You knew this one was coming.

Dak Prescott threw so many poor passes last season that resulted in 15 interceptions (a career-high). Not to forget that he missed a good chunk of playing time while he was injured.

I don’t know exactly what got into him last year, but that must change.

There needs to be a special coach to help him discover that throwing the ball away is much better than making these risky passes that always end badly.

I rarely see Dak Prescott throw the ball into the sidelines, he’s always trying to make an epic pass on every play and it is very annoying. Slow down, and think before you throw Prescott.

Hard Reset:

When your computer isn’t acting right, what do you do? Some people would first consider performing a hard reset on the device to see if it helps refresh it.

What is described above needs to be applied to Dak Prescott.  

With so much hate and doubt surrounding him, he needs to reset his mind and start acting like a brand-new quarterback. Let go of the past and look to the future.

This goes back to the first subject about not being scared, Prescott must figure out how to block the doubt he receives and instead just play some football. If Prescott can walk into AT&T Stadium next season with a fresh start, then he will look a lot better as a quarterback. 


Quarterback Dak Prescott inside of AT&T Stadiym

There can be other improvements here and there with Prescott’s skill, but those three are very important to remember, especially for the big games.

It’s time for Prescott to wake up and become the quarterback we need him to be. I know he has it in him, but it just doesn’t seem like he can harness it. This is the most important year in Prescott’s entire life.

Hey there! My name is Tony Stahl. I have two passions, writing, and football, when you put those two together you have where I am now, Inside the Star! I am 19 and live in Fort Worth and am a huge Cowboys fan. Football is my most favorite topic and I could talk your head off all day about it.

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