A Dallas Cowboys football blog

USA Today ranks Cowboys fanbase among top-10 worst in sports


On Friday, USA Today Writer Mike Freeman posted an opinion piece on the Top 10 worst fan bases in sports, and if you haven’t guessed, your Dallas Cowboys made the cut.

Freeman slotted the Cowboys at No. 2 and said: 

“Cowboys fans in August: (Saying while in your face) “This is our year! Back in the Super Bowl!”

Cowboys fans in December after being eliminated from the playoffs: (Saying from across the room) “I’m gonna switch and become an Eagles fan.”

The other sports fanbases that landed on the list were:

  • Philadelphia Eagles fans at 10
  • Notre Dame football fans at 9
  • University of Texas football fans at 8
  • Golden State Warrior fans at 7
  • St.Louis Cardinals fans at 6
  • Red Sox fans at 5
  • Boston Celtics fans at 4
  • New England Patriots fans at 3
  • Miami Heat fans at 1

At first, after reading Freeman’s piece and seeing how the Cowboys were ranked, I was a little upset because I view the Cowboys fanbase as a passionate group that will ride for the team.

However, after some consideration and heavy debate with my friends on a Friday night (while we drank root beers), he’s spot-on with his rank because there is that select group of people who ruin it for the fanbase.

Yes, it’s okay to be passionate about your team, but from the looks of Cowboys-related sites and social media communities, you find loads of negativity and armchair General Managers who think they can run the team better with their eyes closed.

And that’s never fun.

However, I don’t fault those fed-up folks because the team hasn’t won in 26 years, but this is why other people categorize us as the worst.

Although this season may look like it’s going to be a circus already — fans have mostly predicted a down year — my advice would be to remain optimistic, but realistic.

Come to the post-season, we have no clue what the team or even the NFC Landscape may look like, but just taking it game-by-game is the best thing you can do.

If you call a Super Bowl run right now, you may set yourself up for failure.

Until then, let’s try to work together to not land on these types of lists anymore

So what do you think Cowboy fans: are we/y’all one of the worst fanbases?

Rolling with the Boyz since 96'. Chop up sports with me on Twitter @rockssjr.

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