A Dallas Cowboys football blog

What’s the Holdup in Randy Gregory’s Reinstatement Request?


The Dallas Cowboys are hoping that Randy Gregory will be a key part of their defensive end rotation in 2020. But first he has to come off the NFL’s indefinitely suspended list, and that reinstatement request is taking longer than we expected. What’s the holdup?

After delaying for over a year as he worked on his personal life, Randy finally applied for reinstatement in March. While we never expected it to happen overnight, the fact that it’s still ongoing into July and with training camps not far away is raising some eyebrows.

The perceived delay on Gregory is especially surprising since fellow DE Aldon Smith got a response back in May. We’re not sure exactly when Smith began the reinstatement process, but it was in the works when Dallas signed him on April 2nd and was granted on May 26th.

It’s important to remember, though, that these requests aren’t a simple matter of a one-time conversation between the player and Roger Goodell. There are medical testing procedures that take time to execute in addition with the personal discussions.

As with most of life during the year of 2020, everything is being disrupted by COVID-19. And while it may not be the fairest thing for Gregory and other affected players, they are a low priority right now compared to delayed training camp starts, Hall of Fame ceremony cancellations, and the elimination of preseason games.

Let’s face it; Goodell and his team have way bigger concerns right now. They’re trying to see if over 1,600 NFL players will be able to play in Week One during the pandemic.

Randy Gregory will get his day in Roger’s court. And to avoid any sort of complaint from the players’ union, I am sure it will happen soon so that Randy can at least join his team for the start of the regular season if not sooner.

But if you’re one of many Cowboys fans wondering why we haven’t heard anything yet, don’t think it’s a bad sign about Gregory’s request or the NFL screwing with Dallas. It’s just a symptom of where this request falls in the grand scheme of things.

Cowboys fan since 1992, blogger since 2011. Bringing you the objectivity of an outside perspective with the passion of a die-hard fan. I love to talk to my readers, so please comment on any article and I'll be sure to respond!

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